European Maritime Heritage (EMH)

Het "European Maritime Heritage" streeft naar een Europese erkenning van het Varend Erfgoed. Daarnaast zet zij zich in voor een eenduidige Europese regelgeving op het gebied van behoud (sloopregeling), cultuurbeleid en veiligheid.

The EUROPEAN MARITIME HERITAGE (EMH) is an association representing organisations in Europe which are involved with preservation of floating and operated traditional vessels, including private owners of traditional craft as well as maritime museums and other bodies with similar interests.

The objectives of EMH exclude any pursuit of profit, and are:

  • to encourage mutual cooperation between the extensive community of organisations in Europe, including museums, involved in keeping maritime heritage alive;
  • to act as a conduit for the flow of advice and assistance between such organisations to contribute to the mutual understanding of different maritime cultures and increase public awareness of those cultures, by organising a triennial congress;
  • to identify and promote historic water-borne links between European regions, publicising the role of waterways as a cultural bridge between the nations;
  • to study and resolve common problems identified in the course of preserving and operating traditional craft in Europe;
  • to provide official organisations of the European Union with a representative and consultative service on all aspects of preserving and operating historic boats and vessels;

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